

Lead Frontend Engineer, 2017 - today


While working for Styla for around 3 years I strengthened my knowledge in Frontend development and also more and more became interested in topics aside from that. I felt like I should put that knowledge to work and found the perfect opportunity to do just that over at Perspective.

At the time Perspective was operating as a pure digital marketing agency with clients like Mercedes Benz, Coca Cola or Zalando. Their plan however, was to transform themselves more into a fully fleshed out Saas startup, building a software for creating mobile first websites with marketing features with ease. And that's where I came in.

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Having the possibility to build a whole new software from scratch is every engineers dream. Together with another very talented developer and design team we started our journey drafting and building "Perspective Studio". We decided on using a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React.js, Node.js) stack architecture and knocked out an MVP within the first couple of months of our employment. During this time I learned a lot about cleanly setting up a new architecture from scratch, implementing workflows and coding rules etc.

Today we service around 5000 paying customers and grew our team to over 40 people and I'm lucky enough to lead the Frontend team of 6 other talented developers.

Berlin 20:14